A Refurbisher partnership is the Vital Link to any supply chain. You may ask, what is An Apparel Refurbisher and is there such as word as Refurbisher? As discussed in the latest Blog in “Supply Chain Matters”, our CEO, Jeff Glassman, talks about why all retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers and importers should partner with a Refurbishment Company and how important it is to the supply chain of any company.
Our Services
Apparel Repair: “Tis the Season for Smelly Garments!
Have you ever received a shipment of goods with a strong odor? Do the garments or other items have a mold or mildew smell. Do they smell like oil or gas? What do you do with it? What if the musty smelling goods represented $1.6 million dollars at retail and you can’t put them on the shelves as they would stink up the whole store? Darn It’s Apparel Repair team can help.
Apparel Inspection: Everyone Is Entitled to One Good Scare
Happy Halloween and welcome to crunch time for all manufacturers, importers and retailers. This is the time when your “Just In Time Inventory” planning turns into “I NEED IT NOW” inventory planning.
What People Are Saying
“When we allocate our resources, we do so with Darn it! in mind. With our company’s goal of just time inventory and lean manufacturing, we often have very tight deadlines, Darn it! consistently makes me look good!”
Mike W.