We all complained this summer when it was too hot outside for days and days, and we will probably start to complain again when the fall weather kicks in because it will be too cold. You can solve the problem of the hot days by turning on the air conditioning and solve the cold day problem by turning on the heat. What happens when you have a major apparel quality problem? Unfortunately, you can’t flip a switch and solve it or make it go away.
Our Services
A Seamless Repair Process!
What happens when a quality issue arises with one of your inbound shipments? You start swearing, pointing fingers, and get stressed out to the max. You also sit and crunch the numbers and try to figure out how much of a loss this shipment is going to generate and how to make up for it. Finally, you are trying to now figure out if you must dispose of the garments and how to possibly do that!
Sort This Mess!!
During the pandemic, many retailers overbought many different items when the world did not know what was coming next. Some of these retailers have quite a bit of extra goods on their floors or in their warehouses and are not sure what to do with all of it knowing that that they need to clear space for the fall and winter goods.
What People Are Saying
“When we allocate our resources, we do so with Darn it! in mind. With our company’s goal of just time inventory and lean manufacturing, we often have very tight deadlines, Darn it! consistently makes me look good!”
Mike W.