With our apparel inspection services, you get first-quality merchandise on the shelves FAST.
You found a quality issue. Now let us help. The #1 goal of our apparel inspection services is to get your first-quality garments into retail stores and outlets as quickly as possible.
But we don’t stop there. Our highly trained inspection team inspects and sorts your merchandise, assesses the issue, and offers a variety of options for apparel repair. Whether your company is a retailer, distributor, manufacturer or importer, our thorough apparel inspection services can play a critical role in getting your first-quality apparel to market.
We invite you to visit these pages to learn more:
- Apparel Visual Inspection – If your shipment has a quality issue, we know that a fast turn-time is critical. You must get first-quality apparel on the shelves quickly. And you need to hear workable solutions for the remaining garments. Learn more >
- Apparel Inbound AQL Inspection – Many of our clients entrust us to directly receive their shipped merchandise here at our warehouse. Next, the Darn It! inspection team conducts the initial audit (AQL inspection). Learn more >
- Apparel Measurement Inspection – Your shipment arrives, and you discover an issue with measurements. Perhaps the sleeves are too long, legs are too short, or the head opening is too small. Our well-trained apparel inspection team will inspect your entire shipment, sort garments, and discuss remediation options with you. Learn more >