An online retailer planned to sell 7,000 baseball caps, at $35 each, to residents in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. To comply with international laws, all information on the labels must be in three languages: English, French, and Spanish.
This retailer had a problem – a $245,000 problem.
The overseas factory shipped 7,000 baseball caps to the distribution center with English-only labels. Discovered at the retailer’s distribution center, this mistake was immensely disappointing. Labeling laws are clear: If you want to sell and ship merchandise to customers in Mexico and Canada, labels must be in 3 languages.
Making matters worse, the design of this baseball cap was directly tied to a specific sports season, which was already underway. There simply was not enough time to ship the merchandise overseas and instruct the factory to correct the problem. This retailer needed fast resolution, so they called Darn It!
We corrected the issue muy rapido, with record-breaking speed.
Our highly trained Apparel Repair team is extremely experienced with sewing labels to a wide variety of garments and merchandise, including baseball caps. Our customer supplied us with French- and Spanish-language labels. We were able to sew the 2 additional labels next to the English-language label inside the twill baseball caps. A complication was carefully opening the packaging (individual plastic bags), then repackaging the baseball caps to ensure customers would not be aware of the issue.
The Darn It! Apparel Repair team completed the entire “tri-lingual” project of 7,000 baseball caps in less than a week!